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Returning to Shanghai after six years of separation - industry expectations for CHINAPLAS have been fulfilled

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Returning to Shanghai after six years of separation - industry expectations for CHINAPLAS have been fulfilled

release date:2023-10-23 author: Click:

China's economy is rebounding and improving, and Asia continues to serve as the "locomotive" of world economic growth. With the continuous recovery of the economy, the exhibition industry, known as the "barometer" of the economy, has shown a strong recovery. Following the impressive performance report in 2023, the "CHINAPLAS 2024 International Rubber and Plastic Exhibition" is scheduled to open 15 exhibition halls at the Shanghai National Convention and Exhibition Center from April 23 to 26, 2024, attracting over 4000 exhibitors worldwide with a display area of over 380000 square meters.

The wave of "decarbonization" and "high value" industrial manufacturing has brought a new round of golden opportunities for the high-quality development of the rubber and plastic industry. As a good plastic and rubber exhibition in Asia, "CHINAPLAS International Rubber and Plastic Exhibition" will fully promote the high-end, intelligent, and green development of the rubber and plastic industry. After six years of strong return to Shanghai, the rubber and plastic industry has fully anticipated the reunion of this East China exhibition.

The "CHINAPLAS 2024 International Rubber and Plastic Exhibition" is scheduled to return to the Shanghai National Convention and Exhibition Center from April 23 to 26, 2024.

Be optimistic about the Chinese market and seize new tracks

Industry is the "ballast stone" of macroeconomics and the main battlefield for stable growth. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, in conjunction with relevant departments, has recently released a stable growth work plan for ten key industries, including chemical engineering, building materials, automobiles, light industry, and electronic information manufacturing. By organizing new energy vehicles, smart home appliances, and green building materials to go to the countryside, accelerating the promotion and application of innovative products such as high-end medical equipment and robots, we aim to fully stimulate the potential of domestic demand.

More than half of the world's new energy vehicles are driven in China; With the continuous breakthroughs in battery technology and charging technology, the China Passenger Car Association predicts that the sales of new energy passenger vehicles in China will reach 8.5 million units in 2023, with a penetration rate expected to reach 36%. In the first 8 months of 2023, the installed capacity of photovoltaic power generation reached 113GW, a year-on-year increase of over 150%. From intelligent sweeping robots to intelligent speakers, intelligent kitchenware, and intelligent refrigerators, more and more intelligent home appliances are "flying into ordinary people's homes"; It is expected that by 2023, the market size of smart small home appliances in China is expected to reach 192.4 billion yuan. Ai Media Consulting predicts that the scale of China's pre made vegetable market will reach 510 billion yuan by 2023, bringing new demand and opportunities to the packaging market. The scale of China's medical device market has jumped to the second place in the world; The development of high-end medical equipment related technologies is rapid, and it is expected that the market size of active medical devices in China is expected to reach 49.6 billion yuan by 2030.

Industrial transformation is accelerating and evolving, and new momentum is emerging from the new track. Ms. Liang Yaqi, General Manager of Yashi Exhibition Services Co., Ltd., the organizer of the "CHINAPLAS International Rubber and Plastic Exhibition," said, "This year, we have clearly felt in our communication with rubber and plastic suppliers that both foreign and local enterprises are very optimistic about the Chinese market, and have firm confidence in exploring business opportunities in the Chinese market

RCEP fully takes effect, injecting new impetus into foreign trade

Domestic demand is on the track of recovery, and foreign trade performance is also commendable. In June 2023, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP) came into full force for 15 signatory countries, injecting strong momentum into global trade and investment growth. Most RCEP member countries have China as their largest trading partner. In the first half of 2023, the total import and export volume between China and other RCEP member countries was 6.1 trillion yuan, contributing more than 20% to China's foreign trade growth.

Taking the automobile manufacturing industry as an example, Chinese automobile companies have accelerated their overseas market layout, exporting 2.941 million vehicles in the first eight months of 2023, a year-on-year increase of 61.9%. In the first half of 2023, the total export of electric passenger vehicles, lithium-ion batteries, and solar cells increased by 61.6%, driving an overall export growth of 1.8 percentage points. China provides 50% of wind power equipment and 80% of photovoltaic module equipment globally, greatly reducing the cost of utilizing renewable energy globally. Behind the numbers is the acceleration of foreign trade to improve quality and efficiency, the accumulation of industrial upgrading, and the strong momentum of "China's Intelligent Manufacturing", which has driven a strong demand for rubber and plastic solutions. At the same time, foreign-funded enterprises continue to increase their settlement and investment in China. From January to August 2023, China absorbed 847.17 billion yuan of foreign investment, with 33154 newly established foreign-invested enterprises, a year-on-year increase of 33%.

The global buyer team of the exhibition organizer has frequently received positive feedback during visits to overseas markets. Regarding the "CHINAPLAS 2024 International Rubber and Plastic Exhibition", business associations and enterprises from multiple countries and regions have expressed their expectations and support, and have started organizing groups to visit the exhibition in China.

The global buyer team of the exhibition organizer frequently receives positive feedback when visiting overseas markets.

Xintiandi acts widely, and powerful exhibitors "show their muscles"

With the economic recovery, there is also confidence in the rubber and plastic industry. It can be seen from the popular situation of rubber and plastic enterprises reserving booths for the "CHINAPLAS 2024 International Rubber and Plastic Exhibition". The strong demand for exhibitors to showcase their skills in the vast world of post pandemic recovery has become to "seize booths, showcase their strength, explore business opportunities, and establish brands". In response to the industry's demand for participation, the exhibition area of this year will increase by over 11% compared to the 2018 Shanghai exhibition.

As the exhibition volume further expands, exhibitors' exhibits are also becoming more diverse. International exhibitors are eagerly returning, and the European exhibition group is expected to return to its pre pandemic scale; State and private enterprises rooted in China are flocking in droves, with "specialized, refined, and innovative" and "small giant" enterprises shining on the scene. The outstanding players in these industry fields compete on the same stage, bringing both excellent breakthrough technologies and unlimited potential for independent innovation. Rubber and plastic technology is constantly changing and its applications are constantly developing in depth. More than 4000 exhibitors will showcase innovative environmental protection solutions and intelligent production technologies for professionals in various application fields to explore innovation, improve skills, improve efficiency, and quickly respond to the market. With technological innovation as the "golden key", this will activate the new driving force for high-quality development of the rubber and plastic industry.

Pre registration has been activated

The 2023 CHINAPLAS exhibition has reached a new high in terms of area and audience size, giving us great confidence and determination. Returning to Shanghai is a new starting point and journey for us. The exhibition will take on the accumulated market demand and expectations for a long time. We will once again usher in a crucial year and work hard, seize every day, and present a wonderful and colorful annual event for the industry. We look forward to meeting everyone in Shanghai and working together Promote the high-quality development of the rubber and plastic industry Mr. Liang said.

The pre registration of "CHINAPLAS 2024 International Rubber and Plastic Exhibition" has been launched enthusiastically. According to relevant regulations, all visitors are required to pre register and schedule an exhibition date, and enter according to the scheduled date. Now click here to pre register. The pre registration ticket price is RMB 50, and domestic visitors can obtain an electronic visitor ID by completing the pre registration. Tickets are available on a first come, first served basis and are sold out.

For more details, please visit the exhibition website at www.ChinaplasOnline.com or email to Chinaplas.pr@adsale.com.hk .

URL of this article:http://en.plasticdl.com/news/604.html

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