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Promoting Rubber and Plastic Solutions to a New Peak at CHINAPLAS 2024 International Rubber and Plastic Exhibition (Part 2)

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Promoting Rubber and Plastic Solutions to a New Peak at CHINAPLAS 2024 International Rubber and Plastic Exhibition (Part 2)

release date:2024-04-17 author: Click:

Are you ready to explore the world driven by innovation in the rubber and plastic industry? The highly anticipated CHINAPLAS 2024 International Rubber Exhibition will be held from April 23 to 26, 2024 at the Shanghai National Convention and Exhibition Center (Hongqiao). 4420 exhibitors from around the world will showcase innovative rubber technology solutions. The exhibition will hold a series of concurrent activities to explore more business opportunities in the rubber and plastic world. How can plastic recycling and circular economy practices promote sustainable development in the industry? What challenges and innovative solutions are facing the medical device industry with accelerated updates and iterations? How can advanced molding technology improve product quality? Participate in a series of exciting simultaneous activities, explore unlimited possibilities, and seize opportunities that are ready to take off!




Forum on Plastic Recycling and Recycling and Circular Economy: Promoting High Quality and Sustainable Development of the Industry


Green development is not only a global consensus, but also an important new driving force for global economic recovery. To further explore how plastic recycling and circular economy can promote the high-quality development of the industry, the 5th CHINAPLAS x CPRJ Forum on Plastic Recycling, Recycling, and Circular Economy will be held in Shanghai on April 22, the day before the exhibition, which is World Earth Day, adding significance to the event.


The keynote speech will focus on the new trends in global plastic recycling and circular economy, analyzing environmental policies and low-carbon innovation cases in different end industries such as packaging, automotive, and consumer electronics. In the afternoon, three parallel sub forums will be held, focusing on plastic recycling and fashion trends, recycling and new plastic economy, as well as industry linkage and low-carbon in all fields.


Outstanding experts from well-known industry organizations, brand merchants, materials and machinery suppliers, such as the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China, China Packaging Federation, China Medical Device Industry Association, China Society of Automotive Engineering, European Bioplastics Association, Global Impact Coalition, Mars Group, King of Flowers, Procter&Gamble, PepsiCo, Ruimo, Veolia, Dow, Saudi Basic Industry, etc., will attend the venue and share and discuss hot topics to promote the exchange of innovative ideas. Over 60 excellent suppliers will showcase new solutions during the same period, which is expected to attract over 800 industry elites from around the world to gather here.


Click here to learn more about the forum details.




Medical plastic sink: leading the upgrading of the medical device industry


The policies in the medical device industry are constantly being updated, and customers have increasingly high requirements for product performance. Enterprises must closely follow new technologies and industry trends to maintain competitiveness. The "Medical Plastics Forum" will bring a series of high-quality forums, among which the "Medical Plastics Forum" held on April 24th will be held by experts from Covestro, Wanhua, Acoma, Monaco Perry, and Beijing University of Chemical Technology to share popular and forward-looking rubber and plastic technologies with industry insiders. On the same afternoon, a "Medical Plastic Collection" trade matching service will be held, which allows buyers with purchasing needs to have one-on-one in-depth communication with exhibitors to achieve efficient docking.


On the morning of April 25, the "the Belt and Road Medical Device Whole Process Innovation Forum" invited clinical experts, engineers, innovation practitioners, investment and financing experts to guide innovation for industry practitioners in the countries along the "the Belt and Road" from the direction of innovative ideas, professional skills, etc; The Third International Forum on Medical Packaging and Sterilization will share new regulations and industry trends in the afternoon of the same day. Experts, scholars, industry leaders, and government representatives from various fields will conduct in-depth discussions on innovative technologies, quality control, and sustainable development of medical packaging and sterilization. The "Medical Device Overseas Practice and Market Strategy Training Seminar" on April 26th covered market analysis and strategy, regulations and registration requirements, market access and channel construction, brand building and promotion, sales and customer management, market monitoring and risk management, etc., helping medical enterprises expand overseas business.


Click here to learn more about the event details.




"Forum on Empowering High Quality Products through Moulding in 2024" and "Innovative Moulding Sharing Conference": Focusing on New Moulding Technologies


The "CHINAPLAS 2024 International Rubber and Plastics Exhibition" and the "Mold Empowering High Quality Products Forum 2024" jointly organized by the Hong Kong Mold Association will be held on the third day of the exhibition (April 25th). Molds are known as the "mother of industry" and are essential partners in industrial processes. The activity aims to share new molding technologies and promote industry development. Industry experts and leading enterprises will give speeches and share on "Mold Innovation under New Industrialization", "LSR and Multi Material Efficient Solutions", and "Utilizing Advanced Injection Molding Solutions to Increase Product Value in the Production Cycle".


Click here to learn more about the event details.


On the same afternoon, the "Innovation Mold Sharing Conference" will be held at booth G106 in Hall 2.2 at the exhibition site. This activity brings together upstream and downstream suppliers in the injection molding industry chain, not only proposing solutions to existing production problems, but also pointing out the direction for the development of the rubber and plastic industry. Leading equipment suppliers such as Haitian, Hesky, Barnes, Kaihua Mold, Jinmatai Mold, and Yimo will showcase new mold upgrades and innovative technologies. In addition, GAC Group and Mindray Medical from the terminal industry will discuss plastic applications in the automotive and medical fields and explore market demand. The forum aims to provide innovative molding solutions and promote cooperation in industrial upgrading.


Click here to learn more about the event details.




"Shashuo Market Base": Inspiring More Business Inspiration


To help enterprises understand market opportunities, rubber and plastic enterprises must timely understand global market trends and deeply understand new market trends. At the end of the the fourth day (April 26) of the exhibition, the "Plastic Market Camp" will focus on seven perspectives, including products, consumers, operations, marketing, shipping, supply chain and talents. 12 professional forums will cover hot topics such as consumer market trends, corporate overseas and European market development strategies, cost optimization and efficiency improvement, CMF product design trends, etc., to deeply explore and inspire more business inspiration.


The "Elite Program for Rubber and Plastic Universities" held at the same time will collaborate with domestic 211 and 985 universities to promote school enterprise cooperation in the rubber and plastic industry, lead elite talents from multiple universities to communicate face-to-face with enterprises, and cultivate future stars in the field, continuously contributing to the strong development of the rubber and plastic industry.


Please click here to register and learn more about the event details.




The prelude to the return of CHINAPLAS International Rubber and Plastics Exhibition to Shanghai after six years has gradually begun. The pre registration deadline for the exhibition is 17:00 (GMT+8:00) on April 17, 2024. According to relevant regulations, all visitors are required to register in advance and schedule an exhibition date, and enter according to the scheduled date. Click here now for pre registration. The pre registration ticket price is RMB 50. Upon completion of pre registration, you can obtain an electronic visitor pass (for mainland Chinese visitors) or an electronic confirmation letter (for overseas visitors). Tickets are available on a first come, first served basis and are sold out.

URL of this article:http://en.plasticdl.com/news/622.html

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