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惠州Anti-deer net production line

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惠州Anti-deer net production line

  • category:惠州Plastic net production line

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  • release date:2022/09/06
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Detailed introduction

Anti-deer net production line

The poultry net equipment is a special rotating machine head in which plastic raw materials are heated and melted in the extruder, extruded by screws, and enter an internal and external die opening with a number of holes. The molten plastic flows through the die opening pores to form two strands of molten filaments. Due to the rotation of the machine head, the two strands of filaments intermittently converge at one point to form a network, which is then cooled and finalized into a net. It is mainly used for aquaculture, poultry breeding, sericulture, civil construction, aquatic conservation, garden and stadium protection, railway, highway, subgrade reinforcement, etc.

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